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Table 1 Abortion laws and policies in Ipas intervention countries

From: The association of quality contraceptive counseling measures with postabortion contraceptive method acceptance and choice: results from client exit interviews across eight countries


Country’s Abortion Law as of January 2022


Abortion is available upon request until 14 weeks gestation and is available for pregnancies that were a result of rape or incest, or to save the life or health of the pregnant person


Abortion is permitted in the cases of rape, incest, and mental health


Abortion is permitted in cases of rape, incest, fetal impairment, to save the life or health of the pregnant person and if the pregnant person is unfit physical or mentally to care for a child


Abortion is available to preserve the life or health of the pregnant person


Abortion is available upon request until 12 weeks in Mexico City; laws in the states vary with a majority of states permitting abortion in cases of rape, fetal impairment and to save the life of the pregnant person


Abortion is available upon request until 12 weeks and available for pregnancies until 28 weeks that were a result of rape, incest, or to save the life or health of the pregnant person


Abortion is available to save the life of the pregnant person


Abortion is available to save the life of the pregnant person