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Table 2 The use the information technology to support decision-making in a daily practice

From: Artificial intelligence-enhanced care pathway planning and scheduling system: content validity assessment of required functionalities

Response alternatives

n (%)


I have manual reports available to see what the case/situation is (what happened)

12 (24.0)


I have multiple information systems and a lot of data that I can individually use to analyze and measure the case/situation (why did it happen)

31 (62.0)


My work and decision-making are supported by smart hospital systems that merge data from multiple data sources and give predictions, recommendations and/or measurable results to anticipate the future (what will happen)

2 (4.0)


I have utilized smart hospital systems to augment and complement my human work and decision-making process with consistent and measurable results (how can we make it happen)

1 (2.0)


I am creatively utilizing, innovating and developing use of smart hospital systems and finding new ways to stay a step ahead in patient-centric care

3 (6.0)

None of the above

1 (2.0)