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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Evaluation of the nation-wide implementation of ALS home monitoring & coaching: an e-health innovation for personalized care for patients with motor neuron disease


Patients participating in pilot phase (N = 86)

Patients participating in evaluation (N = 71)

Age (in years)

(median, IQR)

62.0 (14.5)

61.0 (15)

ALSFRS_R-score at the start of the pilot phase

(median, IQR)

37 (12)

37 (10)



(n, %)

51 (59.3%)

42 (59.2%)


(n, %)

35 (40.7%)

29 (40.8%)



(n, %)

65 (75.6%)

53 (74.6%)


(n, %)

14 (16.3%)

11 (15.5%)


(n, %)

7 (8.1%)

7 (9.9%)

Duration of the disease

(median, IQR)

1 (2)

1 (3)

  1. ALSFRS-R Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-revised, ranging from 0 to 48. Patients with higher scores have more physical function, IQR Interquartile range, calculated with the formula IQR = Q3-Q1, n = sample size