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Table 11 Liechtenstein

From: Structures for the care of people with dementia: a European comparison

Population (2019)

39,000 [24]

Area (2019)

160 km² [24]

Spread of dementia-specific outpatient care services for people with dementia


Expert notes regarding outpatient care

The ‘Familienhilfe Liechtenstein e.V.’ is responsible for outpatient care. For 10 of the 11 municipalities, the ‘Familienhilfe’ provides nursing and care services as well as meal services.

Spread of dementia-specific inpatient care services for people with dementia


Expert notes regarding inpatient care

The ‘Liechtensteinische Alters und Krankenhilfe’ (LAK) is responsible for inpatient care. The ‘LAK’ operates 6 nursing homes at 5 locations and provides holiday, day, night, rehabilitative, and inpatient long-term care for 10 municipalities. In one municipality, there is separate follow-up care and support infrastructure, as well as a day-care service for people with dementia by the ‘Lebenshilfe Balzers e.V.’.

Expert conclusion regarding dementia-specific care structures

The existing care services are suitable for adequate care of people with dementia and information on dementia and dementia-specific care is available nationwide. While outpatient and inpatient services are well accepted, day-structured and night-time services for people with dementia to relieve the burden of family caregivers are not yet fully utilised. Furthermore, there is a need to improve the participation of people with dementia and their relatives in the development of services.

Existing models of good practise

1. The awareness-raising (e.g. through various media appearances, the biannual mailing of information brochures to all households, and digital services) and training efforts of ‘Dementia Liechtenstein’,

2. the care and support services of the ‘Familienhilfe’,

3. the nationwide programme for engaging people with cognitive impairment