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Table 2 Rotated component matrix – doctors’ perception and expectation

From: Gaps in expectations and current practices of pharmacy services among doctors and patients – an exploratory study in a Sri Lankan tertiary care hospital providing free healthcare

Labeling of components







Component 1 – Doctors’ expectation to communicate pharmaceutical issues and about medications

I expect pharmacists to inform me about the medications which are out of stock.



I expect pharmacists to inform me about the available dosage forms and strength of medications.



I expect pharmacists to return/clarify prescriptions if they are unclear.



I expect pharmacists to communicate with me more often than the current practice.



I expect pharmacists to take responsibility to communicate medication related problems they discover.



Component 2 – Doctors’ perception on current status of communication on pharmaceutical issues and about medications

Pharmacists frequently ask me to clarify for them the objectives of medication regimen I have in mind for my patients




Pharmacists frequently let me know if my patients have experienced some problem with their medications




Pharmacists routinely inform me about more cost-effective alternatives to the medications I prescribe




Pharmacists routinely inform me if they discover medication related problems with my prescriptions.




Component 3 - Doctors’ perception on pharmacists’ suitability in providing pharmaceutical information to patients and prescribers

I routinely direct my patients to pharmacist to counsel regarding the safe and appropriate use of their medications.




In my experience, pharmacists are a reliable source of information on medications




I frequently contact pharmacist to inquire about medication interactions and side effect related queries.




I expect pharmacists to educate my patients about the safe and appropriate use of their medication




Pharmacists usually speak with confidence about pharmaceutical matters.




Component 4 - Doctors’ perception on involvement of pharmacists in therapeutic management of patients

I expect pharmacists to assist my patients in selecting appropriate non-prescription medications.



Pharmacists appear willing to communicate medication related problems they discover.



I expect pharmacists to monitor my patients’ response to medications and let me know if a patient encounters any medication-related problem



I expect pharmacists to assist me in designing medication regimen plans for my patients



  1. Extraction method – Principal Component Analysis
  2. Rotation method – Varimax with Kaiser normalization