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Table 3 Change management analysis of the implementation of OVCs according to Kotter [28]

From: Implementation of online video consultations in a regional health network: a management feasibility analysis from an orthopedic perspective

1. Create a sense of urgency

This can be done by analyzing the respective actual situation of the clinic and extrapolated data of a possible OVC application (time savings, patient satisfaction and acquisition, etc.). From the experience gained, this is best done by convincing patients of the effectiveness and quality of OVCs from the ongoing process (e.g., interest of patients).

2. Establish a leadership coalition

The basis is the support of the clinical and commercial management of the clinic. Then, all specialists and senior physicians should be brought on board for their respective functional areas. In the course of the project, regular exchange and low-threshold support for the implementation must be ensured.

3. Develop a vision and strategy

In this project, the vision was to digitally support existing patient treatment. This was to be communicated to the staff on a regular basis. In perspective, there should be a strategy to expand the offer to other clinics, hospitals and health regions. Here, other digital tools should also be included to improve the treatment of patients and facilitate the work of staff.

4. Communicate vision of change

This takes place in personal discussions and further training, especially at the clinic but also in telephone calls and e-mails to the participating GPs.

5. Enable employees on a broader base

Doctors, as well as receptionists and nurses, are instructed in the use of OVCs to learn and adopt the technique.

6. Secure quick wins

For this purpose, planned OVCs can be used by a few enthusiastic specialists and selected patients with corresponding evaluations of their satisfaction and objective data acquisition (time saving, etc.).

7. Consolidate successes and initiate further change

Consolidation can be achieved by establishing and reinforcing the processes. Further applications, such as digital speech analysis or diagnostic support by means of artificial intelligence, will represent the future.

8. Fastening new approaches in the culture

A culture of digital support for the daily routine of doctors and nurses will become an important topic in the coming years in the respective clinic and beyond.