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Table 1 Search methodology for Systematic Review

From: Effectiveness comparison of inpatient vs. outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation: a systematic review

Electronic database

Searching strategy


(rehabilitation [Title/Abstract] OR rehabilitation [Text Word] OR readaptation [Title/Abstract] OR readaptation [Text Word]) AND (pulmonary [Title/Abstract] OR pulmonary [Text Word] OR respiratory [Title/Abstract] OR respiratory [Text Word]) AND (inpatient [Title/Abstract] OR in-patient [Title/Abstract] OR inpatient [Text Word] OR in-patient [Text Word]) AND (outpatient [Text Word] OR out-patient [Title/Abstract] OR outpatient [Title/Abstract] OR out-patient [Text Word])

Web of Science

(TS = readaptation OR TS = rehabilitation) AND (TS = pulmonary OR TS = respiratory) AND (TS = inpatient OR TS = in-patient) AND (TS = outpatient OR TS = out-patient)


(rehabilitation OR readaptation) AND (pulmonary OR respiratory) AND (inpatient OR in-patient) AND (outpatient OR out-patient)