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Table 2 Main characteristics of participants

From: Person-centred care to prevent hospitalisations – a focus group study addressing the views of healthcare providers

Number of participants


Work setting

Key work functions and care tasks


Registered nurse (RN)

Healthcare setting, municipality

Conducts primary care tasks (e.g. intermediate care facilities); visitation (i.e. assessing and referring people to social and healthcare services provided by the municipality)


General practitioner (GP)

General practice

Serves as a medical doctor with special interest in interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration


Nurse manager (NM)

Healthcare setting, municipality

Conducts management tasks related to preventive services (e.g. intermediate care facilities, nursing home)


Social and healthcare assistant (SHA)

Homecare, municipality

Performs practical and care tasks in home setting for people eligible for healthcare and homecare


Acute care nurse (ACN)

Acute care in home setting, municipality

Serves as a specialised municipality staff nurse conducting acute care tasks in home setting


Occupational therapist (OT)

Rehabilitation service, municipality

Provides rehabilitation services to people referred from the municipality visitation


Homecare nurse (HN)

Home nursing, municipality

Provides homecare, including health and medical care


Physiotherapist (PT)

Rehabilitation service, municipality

Provides rehabilitation services for people with functional impairments