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Table 7 Subtheme 2(c)

From: International guidelines to inform policy development to address client violence in South Africa: an ATA-document analysis

Subtheme 2(c): Social workers reflected on their own vulnerabilities

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Supporting quotes

Arriving at work

“… refrain from talking to unknown persons when walking into their workplace” [24]

Planning a visit

If you are highly allergic to certain domestic animals then you should take that into account before conducting home visits. Many clients live with cats, dogs and other pets” [31]

Lack of experience or appearing timid, vulnerable, lost, or confused can contribute to violence” [19]

Travelling to site

Workers should refrain from providing those that are unfamiliar with their name, street address, and information regarding where they work. If they encounter anyone as they walk to their client’s home, workers should keep normal, confident eye contact” [18]

Limitations of cell phone coverage in areas that social workers may visit” [19]