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Table 12 Subtheme 3(e)

From: International guidelines to inform policy development to address client violence in South Africa: an ATA-document analysis

Subtheme 3 (e): Interaction between the organisation and the social worker

Related codes

Supporting quotes

Creating safe interview settings

“Once appointments are made, workers should share their schedule with their co-workers…” [22]

“A social worker should never see a potentially dangerous client alone without someone else in the agency knowing about the client, the appointment time and the location of the appointment” [30]

Security in the office

“Be prepared with code words or phrases that alert your employer and colleagues to an emergency or a dangerous situation” [34]

Planning a visit

“Be sure to inform your supervisor and another colleague of your whereabouts” [31]

“Any changes in appointment field visits should be reported to the worker’s supervisor or agency representative” [19]

Travelling to site

“Calling the office before entering a client’s home” [18]

During a visit

“Keep emergency contacts on speed dial” [19]

“Agree on and use “code” words or phrases to help social workers convey the nature of threats to their managers or colleagues” [19]

After a visit

“Following each visit, the social workers should report back to their supervisor or designated agency representative when the meeting is concluded or as soon as it is safe to do so” [19]