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Table 1 Categorization of independent variables

From: Factors associated with utilization of quality antenatal care: a secondary data analysis of Rwandan Demographic Health Survey 2020




Exposure to newspapers or magazines

Not at all

Less than once a week’

At least once a week

RDHS had four original categories (not at all, less than once a week, at least once a week and almost every day). However, after data collection, no woman reported almost every day

Exposure to radio

Not at all

Less than once a week’

At least once a week

RDHS had four original categories (not at all, less than once a week, at least once a week and almost every day). However, after data collection, no woman reported almost every day

Exposure to television (TV)

Not at all

Less than once a week’

At least once a week

RDHS had four original categories (not at all, less than once a week, at least once a week and almost every day). However, after data collection, no woman reported almost every day

Access to internet

Yes and no



15 to 19 years, 20 to 34 years, and 35 to 49 years



Urban and Rural



North, East, South, West and Kigali


Household size

Less than 6 and above 6

Based on the dataset average of 5.2


1, 2–4, 5, and above


Level of education

No education, primary, secondary, and tertiary


Working status

Yes and no


Wealth index

Richest, richer, middle, poorer, and poorest quintiles

The RDHS collected data on household asset ownership and calculated wealth index using Principal Component Analysis [16]

Having health insurance

Yes and no


Having been visited by a field health worker within the last 12 months

Yes and no


Problems seeking permission and distance to health facility

No big problems and big problems

RDHS had three original categories (no problem, no big problem and big problem) however, after data collection, no woman reported no problem

Problems with distance to nearest health facility

No big problems and big problems

RDHS had three original categories (no problem, no big problem and big problem) however, after data collection, no woman reported no problem

Marital status

Married and not married

Married included both formal and informal unions

Place of ANC

Private and public health facilities

Private facilities included polyclinics, clinics, and dispensaries while public included referral and district hospitals, health centers, posts, and outreaches. These were combined due to the limited numbers in each sub-category

ANC initiation timing

Within first trimester and after first trimester


ANC frequency

4 and above contacts and less than 4 contacts