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Table 1 Template for the regions (n = 21) yearly activity report - to fill in for each on-going or completed intervention

From: Improving care for immigrant women before, during, and after childbirth – what can we learn from regional interventions within a national program in Sweden?

The name of the intervention:

A) Description of the purpose, goal/s and expected results of the intervention

1. Briefly describe the purpose of the intervention

2. Describe the goal of the intervention. What results should be achieved and when?

B) Description of activities that has been realized as part of the intervention, and what part/s of the organization they concern, and the focus of the intervention

1. Which activities has been realized?

2. What part/s of the organization does the intervention concern? Mark one or several alternatives.

a) Maternal Health Care (MHC) including specialist MHC

b) Delivery clinics/maternity wards

c) Neonatal care

d) Primary healthcare - other than MHC

e) Open specialist care - other than specialist MHC

f) Other inpatient care

g) Other

3. Does the intervention have a particular focus on these target groups? Mark Yes or No.

a) Women born in another country

b) People with low education level

c) People exposed to violence

d) Socio-economically vulnerable (geographical) areas

e) People with mental illness

f) The partner to the women giving birth

C) Description of the underlying needs that the intervention is based upon

1. Based on what need/s where the intervention selected?

2. How was the need/s identified?

D) Timeframe of and finances for the intervention

1. Start - Specify year, month

2. Finish - Specify year, month

3. Amount financed by the national program? Specify in 1000 SEK

4. Is the intervention completed? Yes or No – if Yes continue to F to describe results of completed interventions

E) Description of the results so far in on-going interventions

1. What results/effects can you see so far?

2. How has these results/effects been measured - alternatively how is/are the results/effects planned to be followed-up?

3. If feasible, describe shortly any special effects on the following groups

a. Women born in another country


b. People with low education level


c. People exposed to violence


d. Socio-economically vulnerable areas


e. People with mental illness


f. The partner to the women giving birth

F) Description of the results of completed intervention

1. Describe shortly results/effects of the completed intervention

2. How has these results/effects been measured?

3. (same as QE3 above)

G) Reflections over completed interventions

1. Has the intervention led to any un-foreseen consequences?

2. What potential results/effects is expected in a longer time perspective?

3. Is there plans/preparations for how results shall be treated and sustained within the organisation? Yes/No/Partly

4. If Yes or Partly on QF6 – describe how

5. What is the most important learning from this intervention – if you should do a similar intervention again?

H. Other comments

1. Any other comments?