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Table 2 Participant observation guide for caregivers of PALS/Cis

From: A cross-sectional evaluation of acceptability of an online palliative rehabilitation program for family caregivers of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and cognitive and behavioral impairments

The TFA constructs

Elaborative participant observation questions

Affective attitude

How do the participants show and express their feelings about the intervention?


How do the participants show and express their perceived amount of effort required to participate?


How do the participants show and express the intervention’s fit with their individuals value system?

Intervention cohesion

How do the participants show and express their understanding of the intervention and how it works?

Opportunity costs

How do the participants show and express their opportunity costs, like benefits, values, or profits that must be given up to engage in the intervention?

Perceived effectiveness

How do the participants show and express their experience of perceived effectiveness/or the opposite with the intervention?


How do the participants show and express their confidence that they can perform the behavior(s) required to participate in the intervention?