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Table 4 Practices related to schistosomiasis and MDA of respondents by districts

From: An assessment of implementation and effectiveness of mass drug administration for prevention and control of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths in selected southern Malawi districts

Practice issues asked

Number of respondents who agreed (%)





a. Have you ever suffered from schistosomiasis?

N = 126

23 (18.2)

N = 129

36 (27.9)

N = 124

30 (24.2)

N = 379

89 (23.5)

b. If yes, did you get drugs for treatment of schistosomiasis?

N = 23

20 (87)

N = 36

34 (94.4)

N = 30

25 (83.3)

N = 89

79 (88.8)

c. Have you recently received drugs for schistosomiasis?

N = 126

74 (58.7)

N = 129

55 (42.6)

N = 124

66 (53.2)

N = 379

195 (51.4)

d. Where did you get the drugs from?

N = 74

N = 55

N = 66

N = 195

 • Community

58 (78.4)

27 (49.1)

51 (77.3)

136 (69.7)

 • Health facility

14 (18.9)

16 (29.1)

6 (4.1)

36 (18.5)

 • School

2 (2.7)

12 (21.8)

9 (13.6)

23 (11.8)

e. Who dispensed the schistosomiasis drugs to you?

N = 74

N = 55

N = 66

N = 195

 • Facility health worker

33 (44.6)

26 (47.3)

30 (45.4)

89 (45.7)

 • Community health worker

36 (48.6)

27 (49.1)

34 (51.5)

97 (49.7)

 • Community health volunteer

5 (6.8)

2 (3.6)

2 (3)

9 (4.6)

f. Did you experience any problem(s) after taking schistosomiasis drugs?

N = 74

11 (14.9)

N = 55

17 (30.9)

N = 66

18 (27.3)

N = 195

46 (23.6)

g. If yes, what problem did you experience after taking schistosomiasis drugs?

N = 11

N = 17

N = 18

N = 46

 • Drowsiness/dizziness

4 (36.3)

11 (64.6)

15 (83.2)

30 (65.2)

 • Abdominal pain

3 (27.3)

2 (11.8)

1 (5.6)

6 (13)

 • Nausea/vomiting

2 (18.2)

2 (11.8)

1 (5.6)

5 (10.9)

 • Other

2 (18.2)

2 (11.8)

1 (5.6)

5 (10.9)

h. Are schistosomiasis drugs readily accessible in this village?

N = 126

48 (38.1)

N = 129

61 (47.3)

N = 124

47 (37.9)

N = 379

156 (41.2)