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Table 1 Description of study variables, East Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia, January 2019–September 2020

From: Effectiveness of checklist-based box system intervention (CBBSI) versus routine care on improving utilization of antenatal care visits in Northwest Ethiopia: a cluster randomized controlled trial




Dependent Variable

Number of ANC follow-ups

Mother were asked how many ANC visits did they have for their last pregnancy

This was recorded as 0 for less than four visits and 1 for four ANC visits

Independent Variables

Level 1 Variables

Individual level variables


Age of the participant in completed years

A continuous variable and recoded in to three categories 15–19, 20–29 and 30–49

Level of education

The highest level of education that the mother attended

Categorized in to four groups: Non-formal education, Primary education (1–8), secondary education (9–12) and above 12 grade

Marital status

Marital status of respondents

Categorized in to four categories: Single, married, separated, widowed

Wealth quantile

Questions were adopted from EDHS and wealth index was computed using principal component analysis

Categorized in to five categories: Poorest, Poor, Medium, Rich and Richest


Total number of deliveries a mother had

Categorized in to three categories: one, 2–4 deliveries and ≥ 5 deliveries

Knowledge on ANC

Knowledge of the respondents on the services needed and provided during ANC: Do pregnant mother need ANC, Do pregnant mother need ANC regardless of illness, time to initiate ANC, minimum number of ANC visits, need for TT vaccination, How many TT vaccinations needed, the need for ion folate during pregnancy and the need for additional food during pregnancy.

A composite index of these eight variables was created and dichotomized using the mean score: Those who score the mean and above were categorized as ‘Knowledgeable’, those who score below the mean ‘Not knowledgeable’

Knowledge on danger signs of Pregnancy

Knowledge of the respondents of danger signs of pregnancy: Vaginal bleeding, Sudden gush of fluid or leaking of fluid from vagina, dizziness and blurring of vision, Severe headache not relieved by simple analgesics, Sustained vomiting, swelling, loss of fetal movement, convulsion, Premature onset of contractions (before 37 weeks), Severe or unusual abdominal pain and chills/fever.

A composite index of these eleven variables was created and dichotomized using the mean score: Those who score the mean and above were categorized as ‘Knowledgeable’, those who score below the mean ‘Not knowledgeable’

Pregnancy wontedness

Participants were asked whether their last pregnancy was wonted or not

Coded as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Gestational age at first ANC

Gestational age while mothers visited health facility for their first ANC visit

Recoded in to two categories as: ‘greater than three 16 weeks’ and less than or equal to 16 weeks

Compassionate and respectful care

A mother receiving MHC in a compassionate and respectful way: free of physical abuse, detention, non-confidential care, non-consented care, abandonment/neglect, and non-dignified care

Coded as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Level 2 Variables

Community Level

Place of residence

The place where the respondent usually belongs

Coded as Urban and rural

Average Distance

Approximate distance of participants home from nearby health facility in minutes/on foot

A continuous variable, recoded in 2 categories: 0–30 min as ‘0’ otherwise ‘1’

Influence of significant others in the process of receiving MHC

Participants were asked whether there is anyone who negatively influences them on the process of utilizing MHS at health facilities

Coded as ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Social Support

Fourteen elements of SS questions: gets visits from significant others, getting useful advises, discussion on problems, having care at the time of labor and delivery, feeling loved, others thankful on them, getting help on household chores, help with money at emergency, help in transportation, card when sick, attending community level discussions, member of any religious cast, attending public meetings and help in case of conflicts

A principal component analysis was conducted, and a composite index was created using the principal components, and this was dichotomized using the mean score: those who score the mean and above were categorized as having ‘Good social support’ and otherwise ‘Poor social support’

Facility Level

Receiving maternal health care free of charge

Respondents were asked about their facility MHC visit and the payment associated with it

Participants who always got the service free of charge coded as ‘1’, most of the time as ‘2’, and never ‘3’

CBBSI Intervention

Kebele/clusters were identified as intervention and control based on the intervention (checklist based box system interventions on improving utilization of maternal health service utilization) received

Coded as intervention and control