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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide

From: Improving care for cancer-related and other forms of lymphoedema in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative study

Questions for experts identified through the literature

Please tell me about projects that you have been involved in regarding lymphoedema care in a low- and middle-income countries (LMIC)

Prompts for each project:

Where was the project?

What did it involve?

What was your role?

What were the main findings/outcomes of this project?

Can you tell me what worked well for the project?

Questions for clinicians involved in lymphoedema care

Can you tell me about usual care for lymphoedema in your experience?


How is lymphoedema diagnosed?

How is lymphoedema assessed?

How is lymphoedema managed?

How do people access services to help their lymphoedema?

Which health professionals and others are involved?

Are people with lymphoedema or their carers given information or involved in managing their condition?

Do you use any guidelines?

Do you have access to experts or networks who you can go for to seek advice?

General questions for both groups

What difference (if any) is there between care for cancer-related lymphoedema versus lymphoedema from other causes?

For your perspective, what are the biggest issues concerning the management of lymphoedema?


What are the barriers for lymphoedema care?

What are the facilitators for lymphoedema care?

Is there anything else that you think might be helpful for us to think about on this topic?