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Table 2 The distribution of the independent variables’ frequencies from the total sample (N = 1186) and on the dependent variable “Family life interference” (n = 956)a

From: Fighting the waves; Covid-19 family life interference in a neurodevelopmental disorder-caregiver population


Total sample (N = 1186)

No family life interference (n = 468)

Family life interference (n = 488)


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)






  Møre and Romsdal






  Troms and Finnmark

  Vestfold and Telemark


  Not responded

100 (8.4)

222 (18.7)

72 (6.1)

57 (4.8)

103 (8.7)

91 (7.7)

132 (11.1)

40 (3.4)

52 (4.4)

76 (6.4)

79 (6.7)

162 (13.7)

32 (6.8)

91 (19.4)

29 (6.2)

20 (4.3)

47 (10)

38 (8.1)

54 (11.5)

18 (3.8)

20 (4.3)

36 (7.7)

35 (7.5)

48 (10.3)

55 (11.3)

88 (18)

33 (6.8)

25 (5.1)

34 (7)

36 (7.4)

48 (9.8)

21 (4.3)

22 (4.5)

26 (5.3)

35 (7.2)

65 (13.3)


Home office during shutdown





550 (46.4)

628 (53)

204 (43.9)

261 (56.1)

218 (44.9)

268 (55.1)


Lost income during shutdown





1002 (84.5)

180 (15.2)

418 (89.3)

50 (10.7)

405 (83.2)

82 (16.8)


Concerned about economy





892 (75.2)

290 (24.5)

390 (83.3)

78 (16.7)

347 (71.3)

140 (28.7)


Must stay home to help child while

school is closed





508 (42.8)

673 (56.7)

221 (47.4)

245 (52.6)

166 (34.2)

320 (65.8)


School has arranged with equipment and aids for child to be able to follow home schooling





401 (33.8)

774 (65.3)

150 (32.1)

317 (67.9)

181 (37.2)

305 (62.8)


School facilitates for educational support for child during home schooling






401 (33.8)

514 (43.3)

260 (21.9)

143 (30.6)

202 (43.3)

122 (26.1)

177 (36.3)

222 (45.6)

88 (18.1)


Parent have received guidance along the way to help the child during home schooling





945 (79.7)

218 (18.4)

359 (77.5)

104 (22.5)

403 (83.4)

80 (16.6)


Parent have received support or guidance from the school, CAPUb or others to handle everyday life during the shutdown





986 (83.1)

186 (15.7)

396 (85.2)

69 (14.8)

399 (82.1)

87 (17.9)


The closure of the school has made the child anxious




  A little


641 (54)

355 (29.9)

178 (15)

321 (68.6)

117 (25)

30 (6.4)

202 (41.6)

163 (33.5)

121 (24.9)


More than one child in school or kindergarten at home





346 (29.2)

831 (70.1)

136 (29.1)

331 (70.9)

134 (27.6)

352 (72.4)


The closure of the school and kindergarten contributed to increased conflicts at home




  A little


512 (43.2)

322 (27.2)

343 (28.9)

323 (69)

104 (22.2)

41 (8.8)

88 (18.1)

156 (32.1)

242 (49.8)


Child has a respite care scheme





810 (68.3)

366 (30.9)

346 (74.2)

120 (25.8)

293 (60)

195 (40)

  1. aThe 230 respondents missing from the output variable is due to lack of answering the open-ended question. bChild and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit [in Norwegian BUP]. The p-values were derived from the Pearson Chi-square test for independence