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Table 1 Construction of the COVID-19 family life interference output variable

From: Fighting the waves; Covid-19 family life interference in a neurodevelopmental disorder-caregiver population

Quantitative categories

Example quote:

Family life interference

“Higher levels of conflict, everyone is tired. We as parents have to juggle work, studies, and follow-up of our children are severely affected psychologically.”

“My partner avoids coming home from work, so I am left with the whole job alone. I think the child and I have managed something good. Some days are heavier than others, but it helps when the sun peeks out.”

“Very bad. Everything is at the breaking point!!!”

“For the better for the child with problem. Soon, the rest of the family will no longer survive.”

“Many conflicts between everyone. Meltdowns, tantrums, smashing of houses and objects.”

“We are alone. Our child is lonely.”

“Parents have lost their much needed “breathing room” as a result of being together 24/7.”

“Increased conflict level, more strain on caregivers who must carry out new roles such as being a teacher, in addition to doing our normal jobs in home office.”

“Hopeless chaos within the house´ four walls.”

“Catastrophically. Nearing marital breakdown and sibling conflict increased to an unmanageable level.”

No family life interference

“We've had more time together.”

“The family has become closer.”

“We have a calmer and more harmonious everyday life.”

“Exclusively positive.”

“We have played more. Collaborate better. Talked more and relaxed more. Nice to get more insight into the schoolwork.”

“It has gone well. We are a family that is used to being together and at home from before.”

“This has been good to us, experienced less stress due to more flexible time management.”

“Nothing has changed.”

“For the better. Child has been doing great work in home school.”

“Pretty good actually.”

“Increased familial unity, many good family activities and more time together.”

  1. We systemized the answers to the open-ended question; “How has the isolation affected you as a family” into the two categories “family life interference” and “no family life interference” using inductive content analysis