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Table 3 Unmet need for services, services obstacles, and health-related quality of life, psychological wellbeing, global function, and participation scores at 6-months after hospital discharge

From: The influence of personal factors, unmet need and service obstacles on the relationship between health service use and outcome after brain injury


n = 41

Unmet need for services


Service Obstacles Scale

 Finances a


 Transportation a


 Treatment (4–28), median (IQR)

12 (8–16)

EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D), median (IQR)

 Utility score (−0.285 to 1)

0.783 (0.697–0.859)

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale short-form (DASS-21), median (IQR)

 Depression (0–42)

8 (4–14)

 Anxiety (0–42)

4 (2–8)

 Stress (0–42)

10 (6–14)

Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI-4), median (IQR)

 Ability (0–48)

12 (8–17)

 Adjustment (0–30)

11 (5–17)

 Participation (0–30)

10 (6–14)

Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale (SPRS-2), median (IQR)

 Occupational activity (0–16)

8 (4–11)

 Interpersonal relationships (0–16)

12 (9–15)

 Independent living skills (0–16)

13 (11–14)

  1. IQR Interquartile range
  2. aResponses collected on the 1–7 scale and reported as disagree (i.e., 1–3) or agree (i.e., 4–7)