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Table 5 Estimated Cost sheet for a private hospital diagnosing 100 TB patients in a year for implementing STEPS

From: STEPS – a patient centric and low-cost solution to ensure standards of TB care to patients reaching private sector in India

Additional Expenses/ Business Loss to private hospital (USD)

Additional Returns to private hospitals (USD) per yeara

Telephone charges = (0.02 USD per call *1000 calls) = 20USD

18 TB patients, who were previously lost to follow up, return to hospital/spoke centre for average of 5 additional visits (3 USD consultation fee & 3.5 USD for follow up investigations and treatment of co-morbidity * 18 * 5 visits) = 585 USD

Loss due to forgone profit in TB Drugs = (2.5USD *100) =250

Loss due to forgone profit in Molecular tests for baseline Rifampicin testing

(2USD*100) = 200 USD

Incentive for Providing Treatment Outcome (7 USD*60 additional outcome) = 420 USD

6000 Minutes of staff Nurse (12.5 working days) =103 USD

Incentive for TB Notification

(7 USD*20 additional notification) = 140 USD

Total additional expense/business loss: 573 USD

Total Additional Returns: 1145 USD

  1. a Additional returns to hospitals through increased client load through referral of friends and relatives by loyal customers not calculated