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Table 1 Descriptive Statistics

From: Predictors of institutionalization in users of day care facilities with mild cognitive impairment to moderate dementia

Second Measurement


(n = 39, 100%)

No Institutionalization

(n = 332, 100%)

Test for group differences



(N = 371, 100%)


 Age, mean (SD)

58.46 (10.2)

59.55 (11.6)

.576 a

59.44 (11.5)

 Women, number (%)

29 (74.4)

244 (73.5)

.908 b

273 (73.6)

 Education in years, mean (SD)

11.36 (3.1)

10.89 (2.9)

.337 a

10.94 (2.9)

 Employed, number (%)

23 (59.0)

175 (52.7)

.458 b

198 (53.4)

 Relationship to CR, number (%)


.069 b*


 Married/long-term relationship

5 (12.8)

94 (28.3)


99 (26.7)


26 (66.7)

198 (59.6)


224 (60.4)


3 (7.7)

21 (6.3)


24 (6.5)

 Other relatives

4 (10.3)

17 (5.1)


21 (5.7)


1 (2.6)

2 (.6)


3 (.8)

Living together with CR, number (%)

16 (41.0)

213 (64.2)

.005 b

229 (61.7)

 Subjective burden (BSFC-s), mean (SD)

13.36 (8.0)

11.84 (7.7)

.250 a

12.00 (7.8)

 Telephone support intervention, mean (SD)

15 (38.8)

103 (31.0)

.345 a

118 (31.8)

Care receiver

 Age, mean (SD)

83.46 (7.4)

81.11 (7.7)

.070 a

81.36 (7.7)

 Women, number (%)

25 (64.1)

206 (62.0)

.802 b

231 (62.3)

 Living in relationship, number (%)

13 (33.3)

134 (40.4)

.396 b

147 (39.6)

 MAKS therapy received, number (%)

27 (69.2)

187 (56.3)

.123 b

214 (57.7)

 Antidementive drug, number (%)

15 (38.5)

103 (31.0)

.345 b

118 (31.8)

 Use of community health services, mean (SD)

2.05 (1.4)

1.80 (1.3)

.269 a

1.83 (1.3)

Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPI-Q), mean (SD)

6.56 (2.6)

5.15 (2.6)

.002 a

5.30 (2.6)

 Everyday practical skills (ETAM), mean (SD)

16.67 (6.8)

17.72 (7.5)

.409 a

17.61 (7.4)

 Cognitive restrictions (MMSE), mean (SD)

18.39 (5.4)

19.32 (6.0)

.354 a

19.22 (5.9)

Care level, number (%)


.022 b**


 No care level

2 (5.1)

20 (6.0)


22 (5.9)

 Care level 0

9 (23.1)

28 (8.4)


37 (10.0)

 Care level 1

22 (56.4)

175 (52.7)


197 (53.1)

 Care level 2

6 (15.4)

104 (31.3)


110 (29.6)

 Care level 3

0 (0)

5 (1.5)


5 (1.3)

  1. Note. SD: standard deviation, school education (Range 0 to 18 years), BSFC-s: Burden scale for family CGs – short version (Range 0 to 30), community health services (Range 0 to 13), NPI-Q: Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (Range 0 to 12), ETAM: Erlanger test of Activities of daily living (Range 0 to 30), MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination (Range 0 to 30)
  2. a t-test
  3. bchi-square test
  4. * The three cells “daughter−/son-in-law,” “other relatives,” and “friend/neighbor” were combined because these cells had an expected count of less than 5 in the chi-square test
  5. ** The cells “no care level” and “care level 0” as well as the cells “care level 2” and “care level 3” were combined because these cells had an expected count of less than 5 in the chi-square test
  6. Bold printed p-values are statistically significant; p ≤ .05