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Table 3 Most commonly used medications (by class) among caregivers and caregiver controls during the 6- month pre-index and 12-month post-index period, respectivelya

From: Health and resource burden of a cancer diagnosis on the caregiver: an analysis of administrative claims data


Six-month pre-index period

12-month post index period


Caregiver (n = 62,893)

Caregiver control (n = 499,177)

Caregiver (n = 62,893)

Caregiver control (n = 499,177)

Total number of unique medications, mean (standard deviation, SD)b

4.3 (4.5)

4.5 (4.6)

6.1 (5.8)

6.3 (5.8)

Drug class, n (%)

 Antihyperlipidemic drugs, not elsewhere classified (NEC)

17,784 (28.3)

126,906 (28.3)

19,891 (31.6)

143,847 (32.0)

 Psychotherapeutics, antidepressants

9,758 (15.5)

65,620 (14.6)

13,188 (21.0)

77,160 (17.2)

 Cardiac, beta blockers

9,615 (15.3)

67,265 (15.0)

10,852 (17.3)

75,821 (16.9)

 Cardiac, ACE inhibitors

9,429 (15.0)

70,892 (15.8)

10,731 (17.1)

79,487 (17.7)

 Cardiac, calcium channel blockers

6,817 (10.8)

48,666 (10.8)

7,781 (12.4)

55,853 (12.4)

 Cardiac, NEC

6,790 (10.8)

46,939 (10.5)

7,620 (12.1)

53,744 (12.0)

 Analgesic/antipyretic, opiate agonists

8,223 (13.1)

68,557 (15.3)

11,634 (18.5)

96,325 (21.4)

 Analgesics/antipyretic, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs)

7,472 (11.9)

60,674 (13.5)

11,044 (17.6)

85,624 (19.1)

 Gastrointestinal drug miscellaneous, NEC

7,329 (11.7)

51,266 (11.4)

9,105 (14.5)

62,922 (14.0)

 Adrenals & comb, NEC

6,565 (10.4)

49,119 (10.9)

10,084 (16.0)

75,527 (16.8)

 Thyroid/anti-thyroid, thyroid/hormones

6,127 (9.7)

42,104 (9.4)

6,639 (10.6)

46,493 (10.4)

 Antibiotics, penicillins

6,256 (9.9)

43,294 (9.6)

10,539 (16.8)

77,020 (17.1)

 Antidiabetic agents, miscellaneous

5,932 (9.4)

44,211 (9.8)

6,919 (11.0)

50,748 (113.3)

 Antibiotics, erythromycin

4,851 (7.7)

35,126 (7.8)

8,356 (13.3)

60,798 (13.5)

 Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, benzodiazepines

4,811 (7.6)

30,820 (6.9)

8,094 (12.9)

40,611 (9.0)

 Anti-Inflammatory agents, eye, ears, nose, & throat (EENT), NEC

4,719 (7.5)

35,335 (7.9)

7,011 (11.1)

53,702 (12.0)

  1. aAll other classes of drugs were used by < 10 % of patients in each cohort
  2. bp<0.0001 during both the pre-index and post-index periods, Student’s t-test. Unique medications identified by generic drug name