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Table 1 Guiding questions of semi-structured interviews and group interview

From: Nurse practitioner led model of after-hours emergency care in an Australian rural urgent care Centre: health service stakeholder perceptions

Common Guiding Questions for all participants

What do you understand is the role of the NP for the urgent care centre?

What do you see as the benefits of having a NP for the after-hours health care at the health service?

What do you see as the enablers of the role of the after-hours NP at the health service?

What do you see as the challenges of the role of the after-hours NP at the health service?

Do you think the after-hours NP role offers a cost-efficient alternative to general practitioners?

Do you think there are any benefits for people receiving a service from an after-hours nurse practitioner compared to general practitioners?

To what extent do you believe that the after-hours NP role at the health service affects the perception of quality of health care provided to the community?

Do you believe there is a future for the after-hours NP role at the health service and if yes, what, if any changes would you suggest to improve and sustain it as an ongoing service?

Is there anything else that you wish to discuss that is related to the implementation of NP model for the health service

Additional questions

Stakeholders with Management Role

Clinical Stakeholders without Management Role

What do you see as the limitations of having a NP for the after-hours urgent care at the health service?

How does the role of the after-hours NP sit within your organisation?

Do you have experience managing other NP roles and in what way are they the same or different?

Do you believe that the NPs were operating safely and within their scope of practice?

How did you find out about the after-hours NP role at the health service?

Have you had reason to engage with the after-hours NP in your role at the health service?

What are your experiences of working with the after-hours NP at the health service?

What do you see as the limitations of having a NP for the after-hours urgent care at the health service?

Do you believe that the NPs were operating safely and within their scope of practice?