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Table 2 Site project complexity, comparing coached and non-coached sites across each dimension

From: Toolkit and distance coaching strategies: a mixed methods evaluation of a trial to implement care coordination quality improvement projects in primary care

Dimension of complexity

Coached Site Mean (Range)

Non-Coached Site Mean (Range)

1. Active components included in the intervention in relation to usual care

2.3 (2–3)

1.5 (0–3)

2. Behavior or actions of intervention recipients or participants to which the intervention is directed

3 (3)

1.5 (0–3)

3. Organizational levels and categories targeted by the intervention

2.5 (2–3)

1.7 (0–3)

4. The degree of tailoring intended or flexibility permitted across sites or individuals in applying or implementing the intervention

1 (1)

1.2 (0–2)

5. The level of skill required by those delivering the intervention in order to meet the intervention objectives

1.7 (1–2)

0.8 (0–1)

6. The level of skill required for the targeted behavior by those receiving the intervention in order to meet the intervention objectives

1 (1)

0.8 (0–1)


11.5 (11–12)a

7.5 (0–12)a

  1. For each item, projects were assessed on a 1–3 scale, from lower to higher level of complexity; 0 indicates that no project was completed. See Additional file 5
  2. aThe difference in total score was statistically significant at the p < 0.001 level