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Table 3 10 PIP question areas and resulting categories

From: Stakeholders perceptions regarding implementing maternal and newborn health care programs in Rwanda



1. How is the program mission communicated?

1: Provision of guidelines about maternal and newborn care program

2: Regular meetings for MCHWs and health providers

3: Health facility delivery

4: Continuing professional development

5 & 6: Community work (umuganda) and announcements in churches and markets.

2. What kind of top management support do you receive for the program?

1: Training, materials, money for home visits, supervision and leadership

3. What program schedule /plans are in place?

1: MCHWs visits to communities

2: Health facility staff visits to communities

3: Antenatal care service,

4: Immunization scheduled

4. How do you consult the clients of the program?

1: MCHWs home visits and a suggestion box

5. What human resources do you have in the program?

1: Shortage of health human resources and training needs

6. How is technology being used to implement the program?

1: RapidSMS an important communication tool

7. Have the clients accepted the services?

1: Communication between mother and MCHWs

2: Referrals between community, health facility and district hospitals

8. Is there monitoring and feedback to identify problems and address them on an ongoing basis?

1: MCHWs, health facilities staff and executive meetings at the health facility

9. How do you communicate with the health team and MCHWs, and the mothers and their family groups?

1: Refer and accompany mothers to health facilities, ambulance called and SMS used.

10. How do you manage unexpected problems that arise and how do you find urgent solutions?

1. Communication between mothers, MCHWs, MCHWs supervisors at health facility and District hospitals