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Table 3 IRISS Messages in English

From: Designing an SMS reminder intervention to improve vaccination uptake in Northern Nigeria: a qualitative study



Messages in English


Normative messages

Are you aware that your neighbour has taken his/her child for vaccination? What are you waiting for, don’t be left behind


Did you know that Emir … supports vaccination? He encourages us to be good parents for our children and get them vaccinated for better health


Husbands allow your wives to take our children for vaccination


Our religious leaders have immunized their children. What are we waiting for?


God has given us the responsibility to take care of our children. We should make sure to vaccinate them


Dear Parents, we need to make out time and get our children vaccinated. That time will save their lives


Scheduled reminder messages

Remember to keep your vaccination card safe! It will guide you for the next vaccination visit at Gafara hospital


Don’t forget! It takes 5 visits to the hospital to complete your child’s vaccination: at birth, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks and 9 months


There will be a free vaccination outreach at the Chief’s Palace tomorrow. Bring your child to receive vaccines. Remember, vaccines save lives!


Ribah clinic is holding a vaccination session tomorrow from 8 am to 2 pm. Please take your child there to vaccinate them and encourage your neighbors to bring their children.


Motivational messages Motivating

Guess what? These are 3 top reasons why you should vaccinate your child: (1) vaccines prevent diseases (2) vaccines save lives (3) vaccines are safe


Each visit to the health centre for vaccination will reap many health benefits. Say YES to good health, be on time and complete your child’s vaccination


Get your baby vaccinated. Even though he/she cries after the injection, they will be very happy in the future when they become healthy and can support you


Dear parents, aren’t you happy when your babies greet you with smiles after you come home from work? Make them happier by vaccinating them against diseases


Bearing children and watching them grow into healthy adults is an exciting experience. Give them a healthy start to life by ensuring they are fully vaccinated


All childhood vaccines given in government health centers are free. Yes, FREE. Don’t miss this opportunity to protect your children at no cost


Everyone should be a champion for immunization. Wherever you are, encourage your neighbours to vaccinate their babies. You are doing a good deed in saving lives


Promoting the health benefits of vaccines is a collective effort. Do your part by telling relatives, neighbours, and friends to vaccinate their children


To ensure that every child in this community receives all the basic and necessary vaccines they need, we must spread the word that vaccines work


Please share information about vaccination in your community. You can start by telling that new mother in your area that vaccines work and saves babies lives


Educational messages

The first vaccination that your baby will receive are BCG, Hep B and OPV0 and it should be taken within the first 2weeks of birth.


The second vaccination that your baby will receive are Penta1, PCV1 and OPV1 and it should be taken at 6 weeks of age.


Have you heard of Penta vaccine? It protects against 5 diseases: they are diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, HiB and Hepatitis B


The third vaccination that your baby will receive are Penta2, PCV2 and OPV2 and it should be taken at 10 weeks of age.


The fourth vaccination that your baby will receive are Penta3, PCV3, OPV3 and IPV and it should be taken at 14 weeks of age.


The fifth vaccination that your baby will receive are Measles and Yellow Fever, and it should be taken at 9months of age.


It is your right to have free and safe vaccination at all government hospitals. Go and let your child receive their vaccination in the hospital closest to you


Informative messages

Having a fever or swelling in the injection area after vaccination is normal. If the baby gets worse, quickly take the child to the hospital for proper care


Vaccines do not cause sickness. Vaccines protect babies and little children against germs which cause diseases


All vaccines given in Nigeria’s vaccination schedule are confirmed by the government to ensure safety before they are given to children


A child can still get vaccinated if they have a mild illness or fever or are taking antibiotics. But contact your health provider if you have any questions


Giving a child more than one vaccine at a time does not affect the child. Instead, it protects the child from many germs that cause diseases


Getting more than one vaccine at the same time does not harm a child. It is very important to receive all vaccine doses for full protection completely