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Table 2 Data quality checks metrics – completeness of reporting, outliers, consistency over time and consistency between interventions

From: Measuring coverage of maternal and child health services using routine health facility data: a Sierra Leone case study

  1. (a) Average percentage of completeness stands for average percentage of ANC1, Delivery, and BCG/DPT/Penta completeness of reporting; (b) Average percentage of outliers for ANC1 and DPT3; (c) Average percentage for ANC1 and DPT3; (d) Average percentage for consistency pair ANC1-DPT1 and pair DPT1-DPT3; (e) Average percentage of (a), (b), (c) and (d)
  2. * Outliers defined as modified z-score greater than 3.5 for monthly reported data
  3. ** Assigned quality score to modified z-score based on cut-off values (< 0.25, 100%; > = 0.25 & < 0.5, 80%; > = 0.5 & < 0.75, 60%; > = 0.75 & < 1, 50%; > = 1 & < 1.25, 40%; > = 1.25 & < 1.5, 30%; > = 1.5 & < 1.75, 20%; > = 1.75 & < 2, 10%; > = 2, 0%). The quality score was divided up into deciles for the bottom 60% and into quartiles for the top 40%
  4. *** Percentage difference between routinely reported ratio and survey ratio: values were classified as (<=5, 100%; > 5 & < 15, 75%; > = 15 & < 20, 50%; > = 20 & < 25, 25%; > = 25, 0%). The bottom quartile of the quality score was arbitrary divided up into five sub-groups
  5. ANC antenatal care; BCG Bacille de Calmette and Guerin; DPT diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus
  6. Color scale indicates good data quality for green color while red color corresponds to poor data quality