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Table 2 Dietitian’s prior training, awareness of available devices and confidence in performing body composition assessments

From: Using the theoretical domains framework to inform strategies to support dietitians undertaking body composition assessments in routine clinical care

% (n)


Response rate

84.6 (22)

Previous training in BCA use


54.5 (12)


45.5 (10)

Previous training in BCA devices

 Skinfold callipers

40.9 (9)

 Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC)

40.9 (9)

 Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS)

22.7 (5)

 Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)

4.5 (1)

Knowledge of available of devices and procedures in department

 PG-SGA physical exam

86.4 (19)


81.8 (18)

 Tape measures

77.3 (17)

 Skinfold callipers

68.2 (15)

 Handgrip dynamometer

68.2 (15)

 Bioelectrical impedance scale

40.9 (9)

Rating of confidence in using BCA devices or undertaking procedures (extremely / reasonably confident)

 PG-SGA physical exam

77.3 (17)

 Tape measures

68.2 (15)


63.6 (14)

 Handgrip dynamometer

45.5 (10)


27.3 (6)

 Skinfold callipers

4.5 (1)

  1. BCA body composition assessment; BIS Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; DXA dual x-ray absorptiometry; MUAC mid upper arm circumference; PG-SGA patient generated subjective global assessment; REE resting energy expenditure