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Table 8 Quotes on the value of the Kids Club education component

From: Importance of support groups to the health and well-being of vulnerable children and young people living with HIV: a case study of the Kids Clubs program in Haiti

Health education

“The club taught us how we got the disease and what measures to take.” (Member of 13- to 17-year-old club, Grace Children’s Hospital)

“They say how to take care of our bodies, especially when you have menstruation; not to have sex.” (Member of 9- to 12-year-old club, Hôpital Sacré Coeur de Milot)

They talk about different types of contraceptive methods. They even taught us abstinence [smiling]. Also, they told us that we might not be able to wait; they gave us different methods to use.” (Member of 13- to 17-year-old club, Hôpital Immaculée Conception des Cayes)

Psychosocial development

“They taught us how to value ourselves … like some children behave as if they don’t exist. They stay in [the] corner. But they taught us how to stand up for ourselves, to be proud of ourselves. So that we know we are human, that we are living.” (Member of 13- to 17-year-old club, Hôpital Immaculée Conception des Cayes)

“They taught us how to respect ourselves, how to respect other people. We must respect our parents. How to respect other people’s opinion.” (Member of 13- to 17-year-old club, Hôpital Immaculée Conception des Cayes)

“When children come to the club, they receive good training. They learn how to talk to their friends, neighbors, [and parents] … When the neighbors say that you have a good child who has good behaviour … when they congratulate your child, it is very important to us.” (Caregiver of child in 9- to 12-year-old club, Hôpital Immaculée Conception des Cayes)

“Last Saturday, the topic was on how to behave in society, how to claim our rights.” (Member of 18-year-old + club, Hôpital Immaculée Conception des Cayes)

Learning and behaviour change

“What I learn is in relation to the subjects that they teach. Now, when I put them into practice, I have different behavior from the way I was before. It is in relation to the subjects [they teach] that my life has changed.” (Member of 18-year-old + club, Hôpital Immaculée Conception des Cayes)

“Before, I was really careless, I did not take anything seriously except school. When I started to understand and think about everything I learned in the club, I realized that I must take everything seriously.” (Member of 13- to 17-year-old club, Grace Children’s Hospital)

“There are things that they talked about, like alcohol. I used to have friends who were forcing me to drink alcohol, I took my distance from them, I do it less now and I have changed.” (Member of 13- to 17-year-old club, Hôpital Sacré Coeur de Milot)