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Table 2 Main themes and indicators in a quality indicator set for use in rehabilitation [21]

From: A quality indicator set for rehabilitation services for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases demonstrates adequate responsiveness in a pre–post evaluation

Main themes

Structural quality indicators/center-reported:

Process quality indicators/patient-reported:


Question (yes/no)


Question (yes/no)

Patient participation in goal setting and rehabilitation process


C1. P shall participate in setting rehab goals


P4. Were you actively involved in setting specific goals for the rehab period?


C2. P shall participate in planning his/her rehab process.


C3. A template is used to prepare an individual rehab plan for P.


P3. Was a written plan developed for the rehab period (comprising your rehab goals, what you should practice, etc.)?


P5. Were you actively involved in preparing a specific written plan for the rehab period (mentioned in q. 3)?


C4. P shall participate in evaluating his/her ongoing process.


P6a. Did you participate in at least two meetings with the teama during which your goal(s) and goal attainment so far were discussed?


C5a. There are at least two meetings between P and the teama.

Follow-up plan and continuity across levels of care


C7a. P shall participate in preparing a specified written follow-up plan (aside from the epicrisis) for the follow-up process after the rehab period. This plan shall also include P’s own efforts to maintain or improve function/health.


P7. Apart from regular epicrisis, was a written plan developed for the period after rehab, including what you were expected to work on yourself? (if you have answered “yes” to q. 7, go to q. 8. If you have answered “no” to q. 7, go to q. 9)


P8a. Did you participate in developing the plan (q. 7)?


C7b. If there is a need for health care support after the rehab period, the relevant personnel are to be informed about the plan or participate in the development of the follow-up plan.


P8b. As a part of this plan, were you consulted about whether you needed follow-up from external personnelb after the rehab. Period?


C5b. P is asked before meetings if he/she wants his/her next of kin to attend any of the meetings.


P6b. Were you asked if you wanted your next of kin to attend any of the meetings?


C5c. P is asked before meetings if he/she wants some of the external professionalsb he/she will relate to after the rehab. to attend any of the meetings.


P6c. Were you asked if you wanted professionalsb you will relate to after the rehab period to attend any of the meetings?

Assessment, outcomes, and time-point of evaluation











C6. The rehab unit uses reliablec questionnaires and/or functional tests to assess physical, mental, and/or social conditions.

P’s goal/goal attainment is to be assessed …

C8a … .with a reliablec instrument.

C8b. … at the beginning and the end of the rehab period.

C8c. … 3–6 months after the rehab period.

P’s function is to be registered …

C9a … using a reliablec instrument.

C9b. … at the beginning and the end of the rehab period.

C9c. … 3–6 months after the rehab period.

P’s health-related quality of life is to be assessed …

C10a. … using a reliablec instrument.

C10b. … at the beginning and the end of the rehab period.

C10c. … 3–6 months after the rehab period.


P1. Were your health condition and life situation assessed during the first days of your rehab period? (Answer “no” if both aspects were not assessed) (If you have answered “yes” to question number 1, go to question number 2. If you have answered “no” to question number 1, go to question number 3).


P2. Did the assessments include both a physical examination and questions about mental and social conditions, network, home situation, and – if relevant – your work situation?

Outcome quality indicators/patient-reported:


P9. As a result of the rehab period, have you achieved one or several goals that are important to you?


P10. As a result of the rehab period, have you achieved an improvement in your physical, mental, and/or social functioning that is important to you?


P11. As a result of the rehab period, do you think your quality of life has improved?

  1. I Indicator number, Cx Center-reported + question number, Px Patient-reported + question number, P The patient/user, rehab Rehabilitation, q question number, athe team = the interdisciplinary team, or a professional representing the team; bexternal professionals = external personnel, such as a physiotherapist, general practitioner, or – if relevant – the labor and welfare administration or a person from patient’s workplace; creliable = quality-assured/validated questionnaires or tests