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Table 1 Terms and definitions of data availability, quality and utility assessed by study objectives. EN-BIRTH Baseline Register Analysis

From: Labour and delivery ward register data availability, quality, and utility - Every Newborn - birth indicators research tracking in hospitals (EN-BIRTH) study baseline analysis in three countries

Study Objective



Objective 1: Data Availability


A measure of whether the specific data element is recorded in the register in relation to register design [8, 19]


A measure of the proportion of entries in the register that had any data recorded for the specified data element for:

Numerator – women or babies for whom intervention received/not received or health outcome of interest recorded

Denominator – mothers delivered or babies born [20].

Objective 2: Data Quality


A measure of whether individual data are outside pre-defined ranges of biological credibility.


A measure of the proportion of values falling on specific values (e.g. for birthweight on 2000g or 2500g) or rounded (i.e. ending in “00” or “50”).

Internal consistency

A measure of whether the observed relationship between related data elements is as expected [20, 21].

Objective 3: Data Utilization


The transformation of count data into indicators by using them as numerators and denominators or cross-tabulation.


Number of individuals receiving an intervention or service (numerator), from among the hospital population in need of the intervention or service (denominator) [6].


A measure of the extent to which health status of the facility target population is being achieved (e.g. maternal and newborn mortality); used for global tracking [22] .