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Table 1 Abductive approach to analysis process of categorizing quotable text from the transcript into codes, followed by the grouping of codes into progressively higher-level themes

From: How mHealth can facilitate collaboration in diabetes care: qualitative analysis of co-design workshops

Deductive Analysis →

←Inductive analysis

Narrative summary for joint T1D session

Example of agreed-upon theme

Codes grouped under concept/ Sub-theme

Secondary codes

Initial codes

Example from transcript

• Research questions asked

• Impressions of major topics and concepts presented in the transcripts by both patients and providers

Data-sharing system


• Which data to share/look at

• Time capacity of consultations

• Question: how much data can incorporate into consultation?

• Preference to see selected/relevant data

“Could you possibly assimilate so much data?...How much data can you incorporate into a [15-min] consultation?” (Specialist2)