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Table 4 Suggestions for discharge conversations based on findings

From: “What should I do when I get home?” treatment plan discussion at discharge between specialist physicians and older in-patients: mixed method study


Consider writing down treatment plan activities with the patient

E.g., “We can together write down point for point, for what is going to happen when you return home”


Make sure it is clear that the patient should do (or continue) the activity once returning home, by using future related utterances

After describing medication decision made at the hospital: e.g., “You should (continue) to do that once you return home”


Discuss medications explicitly, including which ones remain the same after the hospital stay, what the major side effects are, or where the patient can find or ask about side effects of medications.

E.g., “We are going to discuss only the medications that are changed during the stay”

“The rest remains the same”

“The main side effects are …, or you can get more information from...”


To make sure the patients participate more in the treatment plan discussion, ask open questions to check for agreement and understanding

E.g., “Tell me what you plan to do when you get home”

“What is your plan for what you should discuss with the GP?”


Reduced participation during treatment plan discussion, such as less responsiveness and/or speaking less, might be a sign of cognitive difficulties. Ask open question to check for immediate recall and comprehension level.

E.g., “What should you do with your blood pressure medication once returning home?”

“What is your plan for handling your medications?”