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Table 1 Implementation Strategies by Actor, Action, Target(s) of Action, Temporality & Dosage, Implementation Outcome, and Justification

From: Study protocol for the implementation of the Gabby Preconception Care System - an evidence-based, health information technology intervention for Black and African American women


Develop stakeholder relationships

Evaluation and iterative strategies

Train/Educate Stakeholders

Interactive assistance

Use financial strategies

Identify and prepare site champions

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Distribute educational materials

Conduct educational meetings

Centralize technical assistance

Facilitate relay of clinical data to providers

Alter incentive/allowance structures

ERIC Definition*

Identify and prepare individuals who dedicate themselves to supporting, marketing, and driving through an implementation

Assess various aspects of an organization to determine its degree of readiness to implement, barriers that may impede implementation, and strengths that can be used in the implementation effort

Distribute educational materials (including guidelines, fact sheets, flyers) in person, by mail, and/or electronically

Hold meetings targeted toward different stakeholder groups to teach them about the clinical innovation

Develop and use a centralized system to deliver technical assistance focused on implementation issues

Provide as close to real-time data as possible about key measures of process/outcomes using integrated modes/channels of communication in a way

Work to incentivize the adoption and implementation of the clinical innovation


Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff

Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff, patients/clients

Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff

Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff

Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff

Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff

Academic partner staff; Community partner leadership, champion, frontline staff


Introduce Gabby System development history, purpose and duties of site champion, process map rationale. After completion of pre-implementation steps, readiness surveys will be distributed to staff

Organizational readiness and post implementation interviews with leadership, champion and frontline staff; Post implementation focus group with patients/clients

Access to educational and recruitment materials to distribute to staff and patients/clients

Review Gabby System mechanics, content areas, and site-specific implementation approach in an interactive format

Academic partner to address any technical issues identified by community partner in phone calls

Access to site-specific Gabby System administrative page

Monetary incentives, non-monetary incentives such as food or transportation vouchers, Gabby System compatible devices for use at the clinic or during home visits

Target(s) of actions

Community partner leadership (directly); Community partner; champion (directly) Frontline staff (indirectly)

Organizational readiness: Community partner leadership (directly), champion (directly), frontline staff (directly);

Site champion (directly) Frontline staff (directly) Patients/clients (directly) Site leadership (indirectly)

Site champion (directly) Frontline staff (directly) Site leadership (indirectly)

Site champion (directly) Frontline staff (directly) Site leadership (directly)

Site champion (directly) Frontline staff (directly) Site leadership (directly)

Patients/clients (directly) Frontline staff (directly)

Barriers and facilitators: Patients/clients (directly); Community partner leadership (directly), champion (directly), frontline staff (directly);

Temporality & Dose

1.5 h completed over 2 months prior to launch

1 h readiness interview prior to launch

Educational and recruitment materials distributed prior to launch

2 h completed during site visit

Weekly calls with community partner staff in Month 1 of launch; As requested by Community Partner Months 2–6 of launch

Ongoing access of administrative page by site staff during Months 1–6 of launch

Use by frontline staff members or patients/clients during implementation

1 h post implementation informant interview; 1 h patient/client focus group post implementation

Implementation Outcome

Appropriateness, Acceptability

Appropriateness, Acceptability

Appropriateness, Acceptability

Appropriateness, Acceptability ​​​​​

Acceptability, Feasibility




Distribution of research information to stakeholders in a readily accessible and succinct manner

Identify and address site-specific weakness in readiness; Make informed decisions regarding allocation of resources and supports; Determine capacity building strategies necessary for scalability

Educational and recruitment materials distributed among community partner staff and patients/clients to aid Gabby System uptake

Provide community partner staff comprehensive overview of intervention features and client enrollment process​​

Provide convenient technical assistance through one-on-one consultations with community partners

Site staff access to administrative page to address and provide follow-up on client risks

Incentive structures support staff implementation efforts and facilitate adoption of intervention by patients/clients

  1. *As defined by ERIC implementation strategies