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Table 3 List of the interview questions

From: Lived experiences: a focus group pilot study within the MentALLY project of mental healthcare among European users


1. In general, how would you describe well-organized care for people who are confronted with mental health problems?

2. In general, what are your personal positive and negative experiences with mental health care in your country?

3. If you think about your own experiences and you could change only one thing to reach the goal of good care for people with mental health related problems in your country, what would that thing be?



4. What has hindered or helped you in seeking and finding help for your mental health problems?

5. What would have helped them or would help others in the future in seeking and finding help for mental health problems?

Diagnosis and referral

6. What are your experiences with receiving the most appropriate help for your specific mental health problems?

7. What would have helped them or would help others in the future in order to receive the most appropriate help for mental health problems?

8. What are your experiences with receiving help on time for your specific mental health problems?

9. What would have helped them or would help others in the future to receive help on time for mental health problems?


10. What are your experiences with the outcome of the treatment(s) you received?

11. What were, according to you, the specific elements in mental health care leading to recovery from your mental health problems?

12. What were the elements that hindered you in recovering from your mental health problems?

13. What would have helped them or would help others in the future to receive more successful treatment for mental health problems?


14. How would you describe your relationship with the health professionals and services that were involved in your recovery process.

15. What would have helped them or would help others in the future to come to a better collaboration between the professionals working in mental health care and the people with mental health problems?


16. What was the most important issue that we have talked about today?

17. What topics have we not covered today?