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Table 2 General information about the sample

From: The impact of accessibility and service quality on the frequency of patient visits to the primary diabetes care provider: results from a cross-sectional survey performed in six European countries


English region

Finnish region

German region

Greek region

Dutch region

Spanish region

Total sample

Statistics determining the study samplea

Questionnaires distributed








Questionnaires returned

475 (14.2%)

183 (42.0%)

286 (61.9%)

179 (29.8%)

400 (51.3%)

115 (18.4%)

1638 (26.2%)

Sufficient language competenceb

313 (9.4%)

183 (42.0%)

282 (61.0%)

179 (29.8%)

387 (49.7%)

115 (18.4%)

1459 (23.4%)

Sufficient datac

286 (8.6%)

135 (31.0%)

221 (47.8%)

153 (25.5%)

304 (39.0%)

71 (11.4%)

1170 (18.7%)

Participants included

213 (6.4%)

135 (31.0%)

218 (47.2%)

153 (25.5%)

296 (38.0%)

71 (11.4%)

1086 (17.4%)

Complete datad

160 (4.8%)

103 (23.6%)

172 (37.2%)

110 (18.3%)

227 (29.1%)

57 (9.1%)

829 (13.3%)

  1. a Percentages refer to questionnaires distributed
  2. b The English sample contained a large proportion of persons with Bangladeshi ethnicity who had lower levels of stated proficiency in the English language
  3. c Participants with complete data for the criterion variable and the four focal predictor variables and with at most two missing values for the control variables
  4. d Participants with complete data for all investigated variables