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Table 4 Tools Adapted or Developed for Each Implementation Project

From: Experiences of using the i-PARIHS framework: a co-designed case study of four multi-site implementation projects







External facilitators (part of implementation project team) adapted the Facilitation Checklist to a pre-implementation tool to assess the baseline inner context, recipients, and available resources to support facilitation using framework constructs.

External (expert) facilitators (part of the implementation project team) used the Facilitator’s Journey for recruitment and training of internal novice facilitators

External facilitators adapted the Facilitation Checklist and guided the internal (novice) facilitators to assess inner context and recipients using framework constructs

External (expert) facilitators (part of the implementation project team) used the Facilitator’s Journey used for recruitment and training of internal novice facilitators

External facilitators adapted the Facilitation Checklist which was used by some internal (novice) facilitators to assess inner context and recipients using framework constructs

The implementation project team (health service researchers and evaluators) adapted the Facilitation Checklist to assess context and recipients using framework constructs.

The study team also developed a quantitative tool to rate baseline alignment against bundle (intervention characteristics), individual (intervention recipients) and site readiness (context).


External facilitators used improvement progress log for formative evaluation, which was informed by the Facilitation Checklist to document and dynamically shape facilitation steps, complementing separate tools used to track (i) progress on CCM-concordant care process development/redesign and (ii) implementation site-facing external facilitation activities

External facilitators used the Facilitator’s Toolkit to design materials for facilitator training and mentoring throughout project

Adapted Facilitation Checklist used at baseline was repeated by the internal facilitators to monitor progress and changes in recipients and inner context to iteratively adapt strategies

Facilitator’s Journey informed external-internal facilitation model

External facilitators used the Facilitator’s Toolkit for facilitator training and mentoring at project commencement (adapted from those used in CHERISH)

Adapted Facilitation Checklist used at baseline was repeated by some internal facilitators to monitor progress and changes in recipients and inner context

Facilitator’s Journey informed external-internal facilitation model

The implementation project team developed an implementation plan template based on framework constructs. The research team worked with local staff to populate this at each site to create a tailored plan to address gaps identified during pre-implementation (i.e. low scores).

The implementation project team used a monitoring tool to record progress against the plan and support implementation and local facilitation.


Evaluation codebook that reflects elements of the Facilitation Checklist and the Facilitator’s Toolkit, for use by the research team for analysing qualitative interviews focussed on interdisciplinary general mental health care team members’ experiences of implementing the CCM per its six core elements

Facilitator’s Toolkit informed process evaluation in collaboration between external facilitators and research team

Facilitator’s Journey assessed through qualitative interviews by research team focussed on progression from novice to experienced facilitator

Facilitator’s Toolkit provided coding framework for qualitative interviews focussed on facilitation activities

Quantitative tool based on i-PARIHS constructs used by study team to re-assess changes in bundle alignment and success of implementation. Qualitative summary of barriers and enablers identified during monitoring, grouped according to overarching i-PARIHS constructs