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Table 1 Evidence-based decision making (EBDM) support factors and items

From: Perspectives on program mis-implementation among U.S. local public health departments


Item wording

Awareness of EBDM (3-items)

1. I am provided the time to identify evidence-based programs and practices.

2. My direct supervisor recognizes the value of management practices that facilitate EBDM.

3. My work group/division offers employees opportunities to attend EBDM trainings.

Capacity for EBDM (7-items)

1. I use EBDM in my work.

2. My direct supervisor expects me to use EBDM.

3. My performance is partially evaluated on how well I use EBDM in my work.

4. My work group/division currently has the resources (e.g. staff, facilities, partners) to support application of EBDM.

5. The staff in my work group/division has the necessary skills to carry out EBDM.

6. The majority of my work group/division’s external partners support use of EBDM.

7. Top leadership in my agency encourages use of EBDM.

Resource availability (3-items)

1. Informational resources (e.g. academic journals, guidelines, and toolkits) are available to my work group/division to promote the use of EBDM

2. My work group/division engages a diverse external network of partners that share resources to facilitate EBDM.

3. Stable funding is available for EBDM.

Evaluation capacity (3-items)

1. My work group/division plans for evaluation of interventions prior to implementation.

2. My work group/division uses evaluation data to monitor and improve interventions.

3. My work group/division distributes intervention evaluation findings to other organizations that can use our findings.

EBDM climate cultivation (3-items)

1. Information is widely shared in my work group/division so that everyone who makes decisions has access to all available knowledge.

2. My agency is committed to hiring people with relevant training or experience in public health core disciplines (e.g. epidemiology, health education, environmental health).

3. My agency has a culture that supports the processes necessary for EBDM.

Partnerships to support EBDM (3-items)

1. It is important to my agency to have partners who share resources (money, staff time, space, materials).

2. It is important to my agency to have partners in healthcare to address population health issues.

3. It is important to my agency to have partners in other sectors (outside of health) to address population health issues.

  1. aFactors derived through confirmatory factor analyses by coauthor SM