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Table 4 Uptake of preventive health care services

From: Preventive healthcare uptake in private hospitals in Nigeria: a cross-sectional survey (Nisa premier hospital)


N (%)

Preventive health care services accessed in past 2 years

 Pap smear

57 (15)

 BP check

249 (65)

 Blood sugar

207 (54)


90 (24)

 Screening for STIs (Including HIV)

162 (43)

 Screening for Hepatitis B & C

147 (39)

 Chlamydia screen

10 (3)

 Colon cancer screen

4 (1)

 Prostate cancer screen

17 (4)

 Dental screen

85 (22)

 Eye care

124 (33)

 Weight check

188 (49)

 Others (specify)

5 (1)

Barriers to preventive health care access

 Poor access/distance to the health care providers

137 (36)

 Cultural and religious beliefs

40 (10)

 Underutilization of available health information

66 (17)

 Inadequate/lack of health insurance coverage

127 (33)

 Stigma and social norms towards accessing certain health services

49 (13)

 Inadequate education on benefits of preventive healthcare

74 (19)

 Cost of health care

173 (45)

 None of the above

34 (9)

 Others (please specify)

4 (1)

Preferred preventive health care packages

 Domestic staff screening

99 (26)

 Pre-employment test

91 (24)

 Preschool screening test

72 (19)

 Advanced heart check

78 (20)

 Diabetic package

73 (19)

 Liver screening package

75 (20)

 Pre-marital screening

98 (26)

 Routine complete check-up

254 (67)

 Senior citizens check-up

36 (9)