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Table 1 Measures of social capital using the HRS psychosocial and lifestyle questionnaire [9]

From: Is social capital protective against hospital readmissions?

Social Capital Component

Target Subject

Items in HRS

Sample Questions

Social participation & engagement

Social Participation - Social Engagement

2008: 1a-r

Please tell us how often you do each activity: Go to a sport, social, or other club?Attend meetings of non-religious organizations, such as political, community, or other interest groups? Work on a hobby or a project? Score range (for each question): 1–7 Maximum raw section score possible: 126

2010–2014: 1a, 1c-i, 1 k-t

Social network composition

Composition of Social Network

2008–2012: 4, 7, 11, 15

Do you have a husband, wife, or partner with whom you live? Do you have any living children? Do you have any other immediate family, for example, any brothers or sisters, parents, cousins or grandchildren? Do you have any friends? Score range (for each question): 0–1 Maximum raw section score possible: 4

2014: 3, 6, 10, 14

Informal sociability

Contact with Social Network

2008–2012: 9a-c, 13a-c, 17a-c

On average, how often do you do each of the following [refer to contact with children, other family, and friends]: Meet up (include both arranged and chance meetings); speak on the phone; write or email? Score range (for each question): 1–6 Maximum raw section score possible: 54

2014: 8a-c, 12a-c, 16a-c

Positive support

Perceived Social Support

2008–2012: 5a-c, 8a-c, 12a-c, 16a-c

[Refer to relationships with spouse, children, other family, and friends] How much do they really understand the way you feel about things? How much can you rely on them if you have a serious problem? Score range (for each question): 1–4 Maximum raw section score possible: 48

2014: 4a-c, 7a-c, 11a-c, 15a-c

Social integration


2008–2012: 20a-k

How much of the time do you feel: You lack companionship? That there are people you can talk to? That there are people you can turn to? That there are people who really understand you? That there are people you feel close to? Part of a group of friends? Score range (for each question): 1–3 Maximum raw section score possible: 33

2014: 19a-k

Social cohesion & trust

Neighborhood Social Cohesion

2008–2012: 21a, 21c, 21e, 21 g

(These questions ask how you feel about our local area...) Most people in this area can be trusted/can’t be trusted. If you were in trouble, there are lots of people in this area who would help you/nobody in this area who would help you. Score range (for each question): 1–7 Maximum raw section score possible: 28

2014: 20a, 20c, 20e, 20 g