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Table 3 Life with diabetes- quotes from the patients

From: Understanding patients’ experience living with diabetes type 2 and effective disease management: a qualitative study following a mobile health intervention in Bangladesh

Satisfaction with life

I have no sorrow as I am not the only one; there are colleagues around me who have diabetes and are still nicely getting around with their work and family. There is no effect of diabetes on my life … It’s a normal thing now” (Control 2: female, SSC, private company).

I get tension when my [blood] pressure or diabetes [blood glucose] increases. Now I have to live on medications, still I manage as long as I have money ... I am not fully happy, again not fully unhappy”. (Intervention 2: male, PHC, small business).

Different/changed life style

Living this life means living with medications” (Control 1: female, SSC, housewife).

There are obviously some changes in my life because of my physical illness which makes me feel helpless” (Intervention 8: female, SSC, housewife).

After maintaining medication, diet, and other routines [e.g. regular exercise], I feel that it is not that much of a problem these days” (Intervention 8: female, SSC, housewife).

Family issues

There is no problem at my family. We have eight to nine members in my family including my parents and siblings who have diabetes” (Control 4: female, SSC, housewife).

I don’t face that much problem in my family life as both of us [husband and wife] have diabetes” (Intervention 2: male, PSC, small business).

Social issues

Diabetes is now in all houses. So, everyone knows that it is a normal disease. So it is no more a social problem” (Intervention 3: female, GLC, housewife).

Economic issues

It is an extra burden, definitely it is an extra financial burden” (Intervention 4: female, SSC, housewife).