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Table 2 Baseline socio-demographic characteristics and clinical variables

From: Effectiveness of a multidisciplinary BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL intervention for non-specific SUBACUTE low back pain in a working population: a cluster randomized clinical trial



Control group

Intervention group

No. of PHCC / No. of patients




Socio-demographic characteristics:

 Age (years), mean (SD)

46.8 (11.5)

46.4 (11.1)

47.2 (11.9)

 Sex (female), n (%)

324 (64.7)

145 (60.7)

179 (68.3)

 Educational level, n (%) (n = 499)

  ▪ Illiterate or primary school only

122 (24.4)

61 (25.6)

61 (23.4)

  ▪ Secondary school

274 (54.9)

134 (56.3)

140 (53.6)

  ▪ University

103 (20.6)

43 (18.1)

60 (23.0)

Paid job (yes), n (%)

369 (73.7)

188 (78.7)

181 (69.1)

Clinical variables:

 Body mass index (kg/m2) classification (n = 500), mean (SD)

  ▪ Normal weight

222 (44.4)

105 (43.9)

117 (44.8)

  ▪ Overweight

195 (39.0)

94 (39.3)

101 (38.7)

  ▪ Obesity

83 (16.6)

40 (16.7)

43 (16.5)

  1. Abbreviations: SD standard deviation, LBP Low Back Pain, PHCC Primary Health Care Centre. Data are mean (SD) or n(%)