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Table 6 Knowledge, skills and acceptability of HBV vaccination among healthcare workers participating in the quantitative component of the survey (n = 87)

From: Prevention and care of hepatitis B in the rural region of Fatick in Senegal: a healthcare workers’ perspective using a mixed methods approach

Variable (% of missing data)


HCW mainly involved in prenatal care activities (Group 1)

HCW only involved in vaccination activities (Group 2)


(N = 87)

(N = 47, 54%)

(N = 40, 46%)

N (%)

Specific knowledge and skills on vaccination

 What are the potential strategies for reducing perinatal transmission?

  Vaccination at birth

  Correct answer

85 (98)

46 (98)

39 (97)


  Incorrect answer

2 (2)

1 (2)

1 (3)


 When should the first dose of HBV vaccine be administered to children?

  Correct answer

74 (85)

40 (85)

34 (85)


  Incorrect answer

13 (15)

7 (15)

6 (15)

 In total, how many injections are required to immunize children against hepatitis B infection?

  Correct answer

33 (38)

19 (40)

26 (65)


  Incorrect answer

54 (62)

28 (60)

14 (35)

Acceptability of HBV vaccination at birth and practices

 In your opinion, how effective is the hepatitis B vaccine? (1%)

  Very effective (> 95%) or moderately

80 (93)

43 (94)

37 (92)


  Quite ineffective, I do not know

6 (7)

3 (6)

3 (8)

 Do you agree that the hepatitis B vaccine is safe?

  Strongly agree or rather agree

85 (98)

45 (96)

40 (100)


  Neither agree or disagree, disagree (rather or strongly), I do not know

2 (2)

2 (4)


 Do you think it is useful to vaccinate newborns against hepatitis B within 24 h after birth?

  Yes (a lot, somewhat)

86 (99)

47 (100)

39 (97)


  A little, not at all, I do not know

1 (1)


1 (3)


 In the past month, have you vaccinated newborns against hepatitis B within 24 h of their birth?


62 (71)

32 (68)

30 (75)


  No or I do not know

25 (29)

15 (32)

10 (25)

  1. HCW Healthcare workers, HBV hepatitis B virus
  2. a Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test