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Table 4 Strategies taken to increase potential for implementation of the SCCA

From: Developing a toolkit to implement the Statin Choice Conversation Aid at scale: application of a work reduction model

Strategy Taken

Work Type (NPT) and Target Stakeholder


Systems Pursuing (1, 2, 3)

Perceived Value

Introductory, Facilitated Implementation Team Workshop

Coherence of Implementation Team

Feasibility, Acceptability, Appropriateness

1, 2, 3


Basecamp Learning Community and Resource Access

Collective Action of Implementation Team

Feasibility, Appropriateness

1, 2, 3


Facilitated Cross-organization Conference Calls

Collective Action of Implementation Team


1, 2, 3


Dedicated or de facto project manager

Collective Action of Implementation Team


2, 3


Implementation team meetings

Collective Action of Implementation Team


2, 3


Demonstration of tool at clinician meetings/conferences by local champion

Coherence of Clinicians


2, 3


Video tutorial email to providers of tool in local EMR

Coherence of Clinicians




Personal letter to clinicians from leadership in support of SDM and tool

Cognitive Participation of Clinicians




External marketing in newsletter of organization

Coherence of Clinicians




Engagement of EMR vendors to support local integration

Coherence and Collective Action for Information Technology

Feasibility and Acceptability

1, 2, 3


Integration of tool to EMR to auto-populate patient characteristics

Collective Action for Clinicians

Feasibility and Acceptability

1, 2, 3


“+” Represents global judgements within a possible range of “+” to “+++++”