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Table 1 Facilitators for implementation of CPS, reported by pharmacists and local health managers

From: Facilitators and strategies to implement clinical pharmacy services in a metropolis in Northeast Brazil: a qualitative approach


Accredited pharmacists

Non-accredited pharmacists

Local health managers

Local healthcare network

-Support of some local health managers

-Organizational structure of the local healthcare network

-Adequate physical structure of healthcare units

-Easy access of pharmacists to patients

-Support of pharmacy staff

-Support of local health managers

-Clinical profile of healthcare units

-Physical proximity between the pharmacist’s workplace and the health units

-High demand of patients in health units

-Commitment of management to ensure the sustainability of CPS

-Collaborative agreement between managers and the Ministry of Health to implement CPS

-Local healthcare network and local pharmaceutical services organized

-Large number of pharmacists in local healthcare network

-Outsourcing of the main activities performed by local pharmaceutical services

Health team

- Collaboration of health team

- Collaboration of health team

-Support of health team


-Proactivity and commitment

-Motivation with positive preliminary results of the implementation of CPS

-Pre-existing clinical profile

-Previous knowledge

-Process work in collaboration with health team

-Communication with health team

-Access to the patient’s medical record

-Pre-existing patient-pharmacist interaction

-Availability and commitment

-Possibility of pharmacists working in a different setting

-Pharmacists who graduated recently

Implementation process of

the CPS

-Technical support during CPS implementation

-Theoretical-practical training offered to pharmacists

-Systematization of the work process of clinical activities through medical records

Not related

-Expertise of supporters in implementing CPS

-Mentoring activities carried out by supporters to implement CPS

-Implementation process of CPS had been started in collaboration with the Ministry of Health

-Challenge pharmacists to implement CPS

-Non-authoritative participation of the pharmacists

-Previous successful experience of the Ministry of Health in the implementation of CPS in another city

-Implementation process of CPS adapted in the local region