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Table 1 Domains of The Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) with text descriptors

From: Conceptualisation and development of the Conversational Health Literacy Assessment Tool (CHAT)

HLQ scale

Information about health literacy strengths and challenges derived from items in each domain

1. Feeling understood and supported by healthcare providers

If a person has a relationship with one or more healthcare providers who they feel they can rely on and/or trust for advice about health.

2. Having sufficient information to manage my health

If a person feels they have the information they need to take care of their health, and if they feel they have the right information to manage their health.

3. Actively managing my health

If a person actively engages with managing their own health or takes a more passive approach to health management.

4. Social support for health

If a person has one or more friends or family members they feel they can rely on and/or trust for support with health management (e.g., day-to-day things such as taking medications, appointment attendance, and/or emotional support).

5. Appraisal of health information

If a person tends to accept most health information they hear or see, or if they tend to think critically about the information they receive and if it is right for them.

6. Ability to actively engage with healthcare providers

If a person finds it easy or difficult to communicate openly and effectively with health providers and to continue with discussions until they feel they have the information they need.

7. Navigating the healthcare system

If a person is aware of health services and health providers that are appropriate for their needs, and when to access them.

8. Ability to find good health information

If a person knows where to find health information when they need it, and if they feel confident and able to source this information.

9. Understanding health information well enough to know what to do

If a person finds it easy or difficult to understand and follow health information they are provided with.

10. Health beliefs and culture

If there are significant social and/or cultural beliefs that prevent or restrict your client from engaging with health services and care.