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Table 1 Surveyed participants’ demographic characteristics (n = 59)

From: Using normalisation process theory to evaluate the implementation of a complex intervention to embed the surgical safety checklist





Sampled n (%)

48 (81.4)

11 (18.6)


Gender n (%)


45 (93.8)

5 (45.5)

50 (84.7)


3 (6.3)

6 (54.5)

9 (15.3)

Primarily employed as n (%)

 Enrolled nurse

4 (8.4)


4 (6.8)

 Registered Nurse

35 (72.9)


35 (59.3)

 Clinical nurse

9 (18.8)


9 (15.3)



6 (54.5)

6 (10.2)



5 (45.5)

5 (8.5)

Years of experience in current clinical rolea


 M (SD)

9.2 (9.9)

5.4 (4.7)

8.5 (9.3)

Qualification n (%)a

 Degree (includes diploma, bachelor and graduate)

36 (75.0)

6 (54.5)

42 (71.2)

 Postgraduate degree (includes Masters and PhD)

11 (22.9)

5 (45.5)

16 (27.1)

Speciality n (%)a


24 (50.0)

11 (100.0)

35 (59.3)


24 (50.0)

0 (0.0)

24 (40.7)

  1. aMissing data