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Table 3 Key recommendations for communication improvement

From: Patient-identified information and communication needs in the context of major trauma


Health professionals


Discharge planning

• Provide written information about post discharge services and points of contact for advice and assistance

• Engage patients in collaborative discharge planning well before their expected date of discharge

• Initiate discussions with health professionals about discharge long before the expected date of discharge

Multimodal communication

• Provide information in different modes such as verbal, written text, pictures, and photographs

• Request written information and/or for information to be presented in alternative formats e.g. pictures, audio-visual etc.

Information provision and sharing

• Provide detailed explanations about patients’ injuries, treatments, expected recovery and future

• Provide tailored information consistently and repeatedly throughout acute and recovery phases of care

• Provide information in plain English to patients or in their preferred language

• Ensure comprehensive and timely information is communicated to health professionals across care transitions involved in patient care

• Raise issues with health professionals during interactions, even if not asked

• Ask health professionals to repeat information in plain language if the information is not clear or understood

• Request to speak to a doctor privately if health professionals visiting in groups

Information coordination

• Check with patients how information provided fits with information received from other health professionals

• Request health professional assistance with integrating information from multiple health professionals if required

• Have a trusted relative or advocate to assist with the coordination of information

Active communication

• Use communication approaches that are patient-centred

• Ensure regular face-to-face contact with patients

• Actively listen to patients and encourage them to share information and to ask questions

• Respond to patient concerns with potential solutions

• Actively question health professionals during communication

• Actively engage in communication with health professionals to obtain information about health, health care and services


• Follow up on patients post discharge to check how they are managing

• Follow up on information that health professionals say will be organised, but does not eventuate

• Follow up on unresolved issues in reasonable timeframes

• Persist with finding health professionals that meet individual needs



• Ensure information available to staff and patients with regards to contacting patient advocacy groups and when their services could be useful

• Provide accessible translator services

• Provide trauma coordinators to assist with cultural, information and services navigation

• Ensure all notices, information and instructions, within the hospital and provided to patients, comply with best practice for health literacy