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Table 4 Description of the thematic analysis process

From: Patients’ knowledge and attitudes to the Wise List - a drug formulary from the Stockholm Drug and Therapeutic committee


Tapes and transcripts from the FGDs were listened to and read repeatedly to get a good grasp of the material.


Sections of text in the transcripts, focusing on the research question, were marked. Marked sections with related topics were grouped into emerging categories: 1) use of recommended medicines (the Wise List), 2) understandings of the aim, 3) benefits and needs, 3) improvements, and 4) general information about medicines.


The sections of text in each category were summarised and grouped by content into preliminary subcategories.


The next step was to find related patterns within each preliminary subcategory. Sections of text were moved between subcategories and new subcategories were formed.


After negotiated consensus between the researchers, the subcategories were grouped into three categories with related sub-categories (Table 5).


Quotes were chosen to illustrate and validate each sub-category.