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Table 3 Semi-structured discussion guide with topics used in the FGDs

From: Patients’ knowledge and attitudes to the Wise List - a drug formulary from the Stockholm Drug and Therapeutic committee

Introductory question about medicines in general

 - Do you usually search for information about medicines?

 - How do you search for information?

 - What kind of information do you want about medicines?

Use and usefulness of the list with recommended medicines, i.e. the Wise List

 - What is your first impression of the Wise List? Have you used it before? If, how does it worked?

 - How do you use the Wise List? Can you give an example of a situation?

 - Is it easy/difficult to find the information you are looking for? What is difficult?

 - Is there anything in the Wise List that you think are particularly good/especially bad?

 - What do you think about the content in the Wise List?

 - How do you perceive the purpose of the Wise List?

 - How would you improve the Wise List?

Concluding questions

 - After a brief summary - Is there anything you want to add?

 - How did you find it to discuss this topic?